Buy & Hire on Universal Edition
The following scores by Simone Spagnolo are currently published by Universal Edition, from which you can purchase or hire both scores and parts. Please visit the links below.

Non ho dormito in questa notte mai
for violin, soprano sax, and invisible piano

for piccolo, flute, two harps, celesta, and speaking voice

Le Tavole del Peccato
for flute, alto sax, and harp

for solo violin

for viola and violoncello

for mezzo soprano and six instruments

for violin and piano
Buy through other platforms
Polymath, Simone's composition for voice quartet, can be found in The Ruskin Songbook, published be Ruskin Arts and available for purchase on Amazon.
Buy & Hire through Simone Spagnolo's website
You can buy and hire Simone Spagnolo's scores through a simple online transaction, using the PayPal link below.
To enquire for scores' availability and prices please send an email to info@simone-spagnolo.com including:
-title of score(s)
-quantity of scores needed
-whether you would like to buy or hire them
-whether you would like to receive parts (if applicable)
-your personal details (e.g. name, surname, email/telephone)
-your address details for delivery
-reason of interest (e.g. study, performance, research, gift)
-any other detail, question or comment (if applicable)
Please allow a few days for processing your enquiry. Your data will solely be considered for purchasing and/or hiring scores. You will be emailed back with prices and any additional info regarding your request.
Terms and Information
Scores are always printed on handy, wire bound paper ready for performance. Score sizes may vary from A4 to A3. Any marking on scores and parts for hire should be made with light pencil and rubbed off before returning the material.
Prices depend on printing costs, size of scores, quantity needed, whether the request is for buying or hiring, whether parts are required, and posting costs. Prices will always include postage fees.
Once you forward your request, you will be emailed back with purchase costs and then decide whether to place an order. Delivery method is via ordinary first class mail. Please allow two or three weeks for delivery, as this will depend on distance. If any other method of delivery is required please specify it in you email.